Monday, November 06, 2006


The Omnipresence, the Omniscience and the Omnipotence of God - can it ever be expressed fully and finally in so few words other than "I AM"? Why "I AM" is a complete description of God in just two words?

God is the First Person without whom any other person can never be. Is not "I" the apt word to describe God, the First Person who is so Intensely Personal to Every One? God is Pure Being or Isness or Existence Aware of Itself. Is not "AM" the apt word to describe God, Pure Being Aware of Itself, who is so Personally Known to Every One? God is the Creative Power behind everything. Doesn't "I AM" describe God, the Creative Power behind everything, who is so Powerfully Present in Every One?

Embrace God, by embracing the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You, You, You all the way. By embracing the "I AM", You embrace the All for "I AM" is there in Every One of all, "I AM" is Every One of the All.

If All-Embracing Unity Consciousness can so easily be achieved in an instant, by embracing the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You, why don't You embrace the "I AM" right now right here?

That is the Zillion Dollar Question before You.

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