Would You consider God as an Intimate Second Person addressed by You as "YOU", Intensely Personal to You and whom You would directly involve in Your day-to-day affairs? Or
Would You consider God as the First Person who is You, You, You all the way - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - Creating, Witnessing & Enjoying Your day-to-day affairs consciously?
Your perception of God as a Third Person, takes You through the long & arduous route to Heaven called Karma Yogaa. Having fully understood the long & arduous route, You start perceiving God as a Second Person.
Your perception of God as a Second Person, takes You through the short & sweet route to Heaven called Bhakthi Yogaa. Having fully understood the short & sweet route, You start perceiving God as the First Person.
Your perception of God as the First Person, brings You to the Sudden Realization that You Are already in the destination called Heaven. The long & arduous route as well as the short & sweet route were just illusions created by the first two perceptions. Realizing God as the First Person "I AM" is called Gnaana Yogaa.
Gnaana Yogaa is the Raaja Yogaa wherein the Basic Fact of God being the First Person - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - fully coincides with Your perception to precision. Then You can truly enjoy Heaven whose Infinite Expanse has no beginning nor end, the Heaven Itself not separate nor different from You - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - but forever One with You. That is the meaning of the Profound Statement: "The Kingdom of God is within You".
In Karma Yogaa, the emphasis is on Becoming (Doing), the never-ending action-reaction cycle supposedly ordained by a so-called God who is remote You.
In Bhakthi Yogaa, the emphasis is on Feeling & Communicating, the Passionate Dialogue or Conversations with God who is Intensely Personal to You.
In Gnaana Yogaa, the emphasis is on Being & Thinking - God being the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - Creating All by Conscious Thinking. Feeling, Communicating & Becoming proceed as Direct Effects of this Conscious Thinking, which Itself is rooted in Being. Thus Gnaana Yogaa recognizes the Causal Circle of these Five Facts to Precision.

Without Mind, You cannot think. Without Breath, You cannot Be & Communicate. Without Body, You cannot feel & become that feeling. Just as Mind, Body & Breath are in Perfect Unity, so are Being, Thinking, Feeling, Communicating & Becoming in Perfect Unity. Even though the emphasis is on Being & Thinking in Gnaana Yogaa, It recognizes the Inseparable Oneness of all the Five Facts as the One Causal Circle.
Being & Communicating is the Power of the Father who gives You the Breath of Life. Thinking is the Wisdom of the SathGuru or the Master who gives You the Awareness of Mind. Feeling & Becoming is the Love of the Mother who gives You the Matter of Body. Thus You Are the Love, Wisdom & Power in Perfect Unity of the Mother, the Master & the Father - Your own Supreme Being lowered into Form, the Perfect Unity of Body, Mind & Breath - the Miracle of Ever-Lasting Life.
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