Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Mindful Breathing
Diaphragm is a large curved muscle separating the lungs from the abdomen. It usually does about 80% of the work of breathing. Normally when the Diaphragm lowers, the Lungs expand inhaling Oxygen and the abdomen pushes out. When the diaphragm raises, the abdomen moves in and the lungs relax and empty exhaling Carbon dioxide. Diaphragmatic breathing helps one to breathe more easily and efficiently with less energy. It helps to get stale trapped air out of the lungs. It also helps to strengthen the Diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
Chest or Shallow breathing is an inefficient way of breathing compared to the natural belly breathing. Chest breathing creates unnecessary tension in one's body and mind. In Chest breathing the diaphragm stays flat and one uses the accessory muscles in the upper chest, neck and along the ribs. Using these muscles is less effective than using the diaphragm because it takes more energy and this requires more oxygen.
Since meditation is a process wherein one creates deep relaxation in one's body and mind, it is natural to know that deep belly breathing is the first requirement for being in meditation.
Let us find out how You are breathing. Keep one hand one the chest and one hand on the abdomen, while You are breathing. If You find the hand on the chest moving and the hand on the abdomen not moving at all, You are doing Shallow or Chest Breathing. To learn Diaphragmatic Breathing is very easy.
Lie on a mat, flat on the back. Do not keep any pillow for Your head. when You are flat on the back, the chest, neck and shoulders relax fully and thus You will be breathing deep into the belly. This is the reason You get so restful during sleep and wake up fully refreshed. Keep one hand on the chest and one hand on the abdomen. Observe their movements while You are breathing deep into the belly. You will find that the hand on the chest is not moving at all, whereas the hand on the abdomen is going up when You are breathing in and going down when You are breathing out.
Continue breathing this way for five minutes with Your mind observing the breath and belly movement. Bring Your mind back to Your breath and belly movement, every time You find Your attention drifting away. This is mindful breathing wherein You align Your mind with Your body and breath, discovering the perfect unity of Your body, breath and mind. After mindfully breathing for five minutes, now sit up straight with the same mindfulness and continue this Deep belly breathing. If You find yourself resorting to chest breathing due to habit, relax Your chest, neck and shoulders fully and You will be able to resume Diaphragmatic breathing while sitting.
By regular practice daily, You will master diaphragmatic breathing and it will become Your natural way of breathing by habit, just as the chest or shallow breathing became Your unnatural way of breathing by habit.
By doing diaphragmatic breathing, You are naturally activating the Root, Sacral, Navel and Solar centers, the four important Spiritual Centers that connect Your spinal column to the Kundalini Energy at the base of the Spine. You are also firmly grounded to Mother Earth whose subtle energies also You draw upon for Your health & well-being. By doing diaphragmatic breathing, You are also massaging all the organs in Your abdomen, increasing blood circulation to them thus keeping them in good health. Parasympathetic nervous system is activated during diaphragmatic breathing, which creates a overall relaxation in body & mind.
Shallow or chest breathing deactivates the the Root, Sacral, Navel and Solar centers and thus You are cut off from the Kundalini Energy. You are also cut off from the subtle energies from Mother Earth as You are not properly grounded. There is no massaging of the abdominal organs resulting in poor blood circulation to them. Thus You are depriving yourself of good health & well-being, if You persist in chest breathing. Sympathetic nervous system is activated during chest breathing, which creates a overall tension in body & mind.
Having known that diaphragmatic breathing is the natural breathing suited to the design of Your respiratory system and also its effortlessness & immense benefits compared to the unnatural & laborious chest breathing, naturally You will become mindful or aware of how You are breathing every now & then, till You master diaphragmatic breathing. Eventually this natural breathing will become Your habit, as it should be. After achieving this mastery, You can practice Mindful Breathing whenever You find time and experience the Perfect Unity of Body, Breath & Mind. This is a simple meditation You can practice anytime anywhere. This simple meditation is the First Step on Your journey to Complete Self-Realization & Self-Mastery.
I AM the Way, the Truth & the Life.
I AM the Father Beloved "I AM THAT I AM", who is the Great Void.
I AM the Mother Beloved "I AM", who is the First-Born Light.
I AM the Son/Daughter/Master Beloved "I KNOW", who is the Wisdom of Understanding.
I AM the Mind that is "the Field of Action".
I AM the Body that is "the Altar of Energy".
I AM "the Breath Of Life" bubbling within the Body.
I AM the One who is All These, Blissfully Pervading All forever & everywhere.
In the Name of the Father Beloved "I AM THAT I AM", who is the Great Void
the Mother Beloved "I AM", who is the First-Born Light
and the Son/Daughter/Master Beloved "I KNOW", who is the Wisdom of Understanding
the Trinity in Perfect Unity
My own Supreme Being emanating into All Realms
as the Formless Godhead "I KNOW I AM", who is the Power of Love
I KNOW I AM the All-Loving Self forever abiding in All everywhere.
In the Name of the Father Beloved "I AM THAT I AM", who is the Great Void
the Mother Beloved "I AM", who is the First-Born Light
and the Son/Daughter/Master Beloved "I KNOW", who is the Wisdom of Understanding
the Trinity in Perfect Unity
My own Supreme Being emanating into All Realms
as the Formless Godhead "I KNOW I AM", who is the Power of Love
I KNOW I AM the All-Wise Self forever abiding in All everywhere.
In the Name of the Father Beloved "I AM THAT I AM", who is the Great Void
the Mother Beloved "I AM", who is the First-Born Light
and the Son/Daughter/Master Beloved "I KNOW", who is the Wisdom of Understanding
the Trinity in Perfect Unity
My own Supreme Being emanating into All Realms
as the Formless Godhead "I KNOW I AM", who is the Power of Love
I KNOW I AM the Almighty Self forever abiding in All everywhere.
So be it. And so it is. Amen. Om.
Self- Integration
the Mother Beloved "I AM", who is the First-Born Light
and the Son/Daughter/Master Beloved "I KNOW", who is the Wisdom of Understanding
the Trinity in Perfect Unity
My own Supreme Being emanating into All Realms
as the Formless Godhead "I KNOW I AM", who is the Power of Love
I AM now calling forth all the Creator Gods & Goddesses of All Realms.
I AM now recognizing Them as Individuations of My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead vibrating appropriately in the Respective Realms.
I AM now seeing Their Ever-Living Forms in the Image & Likeness of My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead - Pure & Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient at all times in all ways.
I AM now seeing Them in Perfect Alignment with Each Other as well as My Presence on Mother Earth.
I AM now connected to Each & Every One of Them through Crystal Clear Energy Pathways, giving & receiving Love & Mastery freely.
I KNOW I AM the Complete Manifestation of My Love & Mastery on Mother Earth.
I KNOW I AM the Divine Expression of My Love & Mastery on Mother Earth.
I KNOW I AM the Ever-Lasting Life of My Love & Mastery on Mother Earth.
I AM now seeing a Grand Assembly of All the Creator Gods & Goddesses of All Realms on Mother Earth.
I now KNOW: All of Us are working together as Equals among Equals in a Co-Creative Collaborative Relationship consolidating the Age of Light & I AM Union on Mother Earth.
I AM now fully enjoying My Presence on Mother Earth.
I now KNOW: I AM the Indivisible Oneness of my own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead with Every One Its Infinite Ever-Living Forms.
I AM the Complete Spiritualization of Matter at all levels.
I AM the Perfect Materialization of Spirit at all levels.
I AM now expressing My Profound Love & Gratitude to My own Supreme Being and All the Creator Gods & Goddesses of All Realms who are the Individuations of My own Supreme Being for joining Me during this Wonderful Meditation.
So be it. And so it is. Amen. Om.
Self- Initiation
I AM an Individuation of My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead Manifest in Form on Mother Earth.
I AM now seeing My Form in the Image & Likeness of My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead - Pure & Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient at all times in all ways.
I AM now fully embracing the Mother Aspect of My Godhood, knowing & naming Her as "I AM".
I now Know: The Mother "I AM" has lowered Herself in Vibration & become My Body.
I AM now fully embracing the Father Aspect of My Godhood, knowing & naming Him as "I AM THAT I AM".
I now Know: The Father "I AM THAT I AM" has lowered Himself in Vibration & become My Breath.
I AM now fully embracing the Son/Daughter/Master Aspect of My Godhood, knowing & naming Him as "I KNOW".
I now Know: The Master "I KNOW" has lowered Himself in Vibration & become My Mind.
I AM now fully embracing the Trinity in Perfect Unity, My own Supreme Being, knowing & naming It as "I KNOW I AM".
I now Know: My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead "I KNOW I AM" has lowered Itself in Vibration & become My From, the Perfect Unity of My Body, Breath & Mind.
I AM experiencing Ever-Lasting Life in My Form & enjoying My Presence on Mother Earth. This Joyful Experience is an Invaluable Gift from My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead Lowering Itself into My Form.
Fully recognizing this Fact, I AM now incorporating the Names of My Father-Mother Aspects into My present name as My Great Initials. thus My Full Name is: I AM THAT I AM. I AM _________________ (Write Your present name in lower case). Since the Father & Mother Aspects are in Inseparable Indivisible Oneness, My Name in short is: I AM ___________________ (Write Your present name in lower case). I AM now giving Myself the Divine Title of Beloved Master signifying the Mastery of Son/Daughter/Master Aspect.
This is My Way of Affirming the Inseparable Indivisible Oneness of My Ever-Living Form & My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead. This is My Unique Energy Signature attesting the Glory of My own Supreme Being, the Formless Godhead Manifest as My Ever-Living Form.
All these I KNOW regarding Myself, I also KNOW them regarding All Life throughout Infinity.
So be it. And so it is. Amen. Om.
Monday, November 06, 2006
I AM the One & All
"I AM" IS the Oneness that is God -God who is Continuously Becoming the All, yet Constantly Being the Oneness of "I AM".
"I AM" IS the Oneness that is God -God who is Clearly Knowing the All that He is Continuously Becoming as well as the Oneness of "I AM" that He is Constantly Being .
"I AM" IS the Oneness that is God - God who knows Himself as "I AM" that is the Inseparable Indivisible Oneness of Being, Becoming & Knowing.
You & All of Life Are "I AM" Itself materializing into a Variety of Forms. "I AM" does this Magic Formation by lowering Itself in Vibrations. Thus "I AM" at Its Highest Vibration is the Unformed Unmanifest Oneness. And "I AM" at Its Lowest Vibration is All That Is Manifest in Form. All That Is Manifest in Form is suspended & enclosed within the Unformed Unmanifest Oneness. This is the Meaning of the Profound Statement: "ALL ARE ONE & ONE IS ALL. The One Is Inseparably Indivisibly United with All. All Are Inseparably Indivisibly United with the One. The One Is Directly Connected to All. All Are Directly Connected to the One.
Just as the One has become All by Lowering Itself in Vibrations, so also Every One of the All may become the One by Ascending Itself to the Highest Vibration. The Information & Know-How for this Ascension back to the One, is present there in Every One of the All. One & All being nothing but the Self-Same "I AM" differing only in Vibrations, it is only natural to realize that the "I AM" can undo the Magic Formation as swiftly as It has done the Magic Formation. For this to happen simply, easily & effortlessly, it is enough that You as a Specific One of the All, Know Yourself as the Self-Same "I AM', right now right here. Your Knowing Thus by Fully Conscious Choice of Your own Free Will, immediately triggers Your Ascent back to the One by Fully Activating the Information & Know-How (the Source Codes) already present within You.
The instant You Know Yourself as the "I AM", You immediately realize that the Formed All are as Divine as the Unformed One. They are Complements of the Wholeness or the Holiness that "I AM" IS. This Realization is the Completion of Your Ascent back to the One as well as the Fullness of Your Descent into All, happening right now right here. Thus You Know Yourself as the One & All Inseparably Indivisibly United in Oneness That IS "I AM" - right now right here.
This is the Rapid Ascension & Descension Process that God IS doing right now right here - Ascending to be the One and Descending to become All. And Knowing the One & All as Himself - the "I AM" - Ascending To & Descending Into.
How do You perceive God?
Would You consider God as an Intimate Second Person addressed by You as "YOU", Intensely Personal to You and whom You would directly involve in Your day-to-day affairs? Or
Would You consider God as the First Person who is You, You, You all the way - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - Creating, Witnessing & Enjoying Your day-to-day affairs consciously?
Your perception of God as a Third Person, takes You through the long & arduous route to Heaven called Karma Yogaa. Having fully understood the long & arduous route, You start perceiving God as a Second Person.
Your perception of God as a Second Person, takes You through the short & sweet route to Heaven called Bhakthi Yogaa. Having fully understood the short & sweet route, You start perceiving God as the First Person.
Your perception of God as the First Person, brings You to the Sudden Realization that You Are already in the destination called Heaven. The long & arduous route as well as the short & sweet route were just illusions created by the first two perceptions. Realizing God as the First Person "I AM" is called Gnaana Yogaa.
Gnaana Yogaa is the Raaja Yogaa wherein the Basic Fact of God being the First Person - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - fully coincides with Your perception to precision. Then You can truly enjoy Heaven whose Infinite Expanse has no beginning nor end, the Heaven Itself not separate nor different from You - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - but forever One with You. That is the meaning of the Profound Statement: "The Kingdom of God is within You".
In Karma Yogaa, the emphasis is on Becoming (Doing), the never-ending action-reaction cycle supposedly ordained by a so-called God who is remote You.
In Bhakthi Yogaa, the emphasis is on Feeling & Communicating, the Passionate Dialogue or Conversations with God who is Intensely Personal to You.
In Gnaana Yogaa, the emphasis is on Being & Thinking - God being the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - Creating All by Conscious Thinking. Feeling, Communicating & Becoming proceed as Direct Effects of this Conscious Thinking, which Itself is rooted in Being. Thus Gnaana Yogaa recognizes the Causal Circle of these Five Facts to Precision.

Without Mind, You cannot think. Without Breath, You cannot Be & Communicate. Without Body, You cannot feel & become that feeling. Just as Mind, Body & Breath are in Perfect Unity, so are Being, Thinking, Feeling, Communicating & Becoming in Perfect Unity. Even though the emphasis is on Being & Thinking in Gnaana Yogaa, It recognizes the Inseparable Oneness of all the Five Facts as the One Causal Circle.
Being & Communicating is the Power of the Father who gives You the Breath of Life. Thinking is the Wisdom of the SathGuru or the Master who gives You the Awareness of Mind. Feeling & Becoming is the Love of the Mother who gives You the Matter of Body. Thus You Are the Love, Wisdom & Power in Perfect Unity of the Mother, the Master & the Father - Your own Supreme Being lowered into Form, the Perfect Unity of Body, Mind & Breath - the Miracle of Ever-Lasting Life.
The Complete Realization of "I AM"
I-ness is the Heart, Personally Present everywhere of the Impersonal Isness of Being. This is the Mystery of the Presence pervading the Absence and the Absence caressing the Presence forever and everywhere.
You are God who is the Presence as well as the Absence. But without knowing yourself as the Personal Presence of God, the First Manifest Light, You cannot know yourself as the Impersonal Absence of God, the Unmanifest Absolute and the Primordial Dark.
The Impersonal Isness is the Most High Father. The Personal Presence is the Beloved mother. As a result of the Union of Father and Mother, the Master or Sathguru is born, the Son/Daughter of the Primal Parents. The Sathguru is the Amness, the Self-Awareness permeating the whole of Isness and I-ness and the First Cause creating All That Is.
You Are the Father-Mother God as well as the Sathguru. But without knowing Yourself as the Sathguru, the Son/Daughter of the Most High Father and the Beloved Mother, You cannot know Yourself as the Father-Mother God.
The Father Isness, the Mother I-ness and the Sathguru Amness are United in Inseparable and Indivisible Oneness forever and everywhere. This in a nutshell, is the Complete Realization of the "I AM" - the God that You Are, the God that Every One Is.
Your Two Sides
Without the Formless Godhead, Your own Supreme Being, the Ever-Living Form simply can't exist at all. The Ever-living Form by Itself is nothing but the Material Result of the formless Godhead, Your own Supreme Being Lowering Itself in vibrations.
Without the Ever-Living Form, the Formless Godhead simply can't experience anything at all for the Formless Godhead at Its Highest Vibration is simply a Great Nothingness, the Absolute Zero or Void called Pure Existence, Being or Isness that knows not any other thing but Itself.
You as the Ever-Living Form as well as the Infinite Ever-Living Forms of All Life are the Individuations of the Formless Godhead, suspended and enclosed within the Infinite Void of the Formless Godhead Itself. Thus All Ever-Living Forms are simply the Material Manifestations of the Formless Godhead, contained within Itself, nurtured and supported by Itself.
Imagine a Great Ocean in freezing climate with pieces of ice floating in It. Imagine that there is nothing else other than the Great Ocean. The Formless Godhead is like that Great Ocean. And the Ever-Living Forms are like those pieces of ice floating in that Great Ocean.
The Absolute Knowingness of the Great Ocean, the Formless Godhead, is fully understood experientially within each piece of ice, each Ever-Living Form. There is never an end to this Experiential Understanding, this Wonderful State of Being, Knowing and Bliss that is called Self-Realization, God-Remembrance, Enlightenment, Samaadhi and a host of other terms. Because the Formless Godhead would never like to have an end to this joyful experience at all. Why would It like to put an end to such grand experience?
That is why the Forms are designated as Ever-Living for even while the Individuations may not remain in Form by Spiritualizing Their Forms to the Formless Godhead - the pieces of ice melting into the Great Ocean - Their Memory is forever Present Ever-Living within the formless Godhead. And the Forms can Rematerialize - the pieces of ice reemerging within the Great Ocean - Their Memory Re-crystallizing the Individuations in Form.
Just as every piece of ice is not different nor can it exist apart from the Great Ocean, so Are You as an Individuation in Form not different from the Formless Godhead nor can You exist apart from It. Just as every piece of ice is made from the Substance of the Great Ocean and Solidification does not alter Its Essence in any way, so Are You made from the Substance of the Formless Godhead and Materialization does not alter Its Essence in any way.
Thus if the Substance in Essence is Pure and Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient, the resultant Solidification or Materialization is also in Essence Pure and Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient, irrespective of the shape of Form It acquires. Thus You as well as All Individuations in Form are Pure and Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient at all times in all ways. Substance is the same. Essence is the same. Only Forms appear to differ from each other as well as from the Formless Godhead. Deceptive appearance at the Surface that vanishes in the Depth and Body of the Great Ocean, Your own Supreme Being.
Do You need a Spiritual Authority?
Do You know that You Are directly connected to God right now right here? If Your answer is an emphatic "Yes", that is the beginning of God-Realization. And there is never an end to this Wonderful State of Being, Knowing & Bliss.
There never was, there never is and there never will be a so-called spiritual authority outside of You, who supposedly connects You to God and without whom You can never be connected to God.
The Fact is: You Are Directly Connected to God at all times in all ways. And God, Your own Self - the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You - does not act in any way as a spiritual authority at all. God is Pure Unconditional Love and would never force You to act against Your Free Will.
God would never force You to accept Him. You may choose to deny, denigrate & disparage God. You may choose to ignore & be totally indifferent to God. You may choose to hate God. You may choose to perceive God incorrectly. God doesn't mind these choices at all for He knows fully well that sooner or later that Golden Moment will arrive when You will choose to embrace God in all humility, of Your own Free Will.
And God knows for sure: By denying, denigrating & disparaging God, You Are denying, denigrating & disparaging Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You. By ignoring & being indifferent to God, You Are ignoring & being indifferent to Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You. By hating God, You Are hating Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You. By incorrectly perceiving God, You Are incorrectly perceiving Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You.
How long would You do these things to Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You? Can You ever be happy at all, as long as You Are doing these things to Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You? And why on earth would You be doing these things to Your own Self, the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You?
And God is pretty sure, these questions will make You smart sooner or later and bring You to the Realization that You Are Inseparably Indivisibly United with God forever. You will bring Yourself to this Realization by Your own Free Will Choice. So God doesn't worry about You at all. God knows that He is forever One with You and You Are forever One with Him. You too will know this Fact, when You see through the three great illusions and tear asunder the Web of Maayaa woven by these illusions.
Only when You fully realize that God and You are One at all times in all ways - that Inseparable Indivisible Oneness being the "I AM" in You as well as All of Life - You will outgrow the need of any Spiritual Authority whatsoever.
God is the First Person without whom any other person can never be. Is not "I" the apt word to describe God, the First Person who is so Intensely Personal to Every One? God is Pure Being or Isness or Existence Aware of Itself. Is not "AM" the apt word to describe God, Pure Being Aware of Itself, who is so Personally Known to Every One? God is the Creative Power behind everything. Doesn't "I AM" describe God, the Creative Power behind everything, who is so Powerfully Present in Every One?
Embrace God, by embracing the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You, You, You all the way. By embracing the "I AM", You embrace the All for "I AM" is there in Every One of all, "I AM" is Every One of the All.
If All-Embracing Unity Consciousness can so easily be achieved in an instant, by embracing the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You, why don't You embrace the "I AM" right now right here?
That is the Zillion Dollar Question before You.
Your Body, Breath and Mind
You Are now ready to delve into the creation of Your Human Form. The Great Spirit who is the Mother Aspect of Your Godhood - Pure Energy at Its Highest Vibration - lowers Herself into different vibrations forming the Various Dimensions of Your Godhood.
As the Three Aspects of Your Godhood are in Inseparable Indivisible Oneness, the Father as well as Son/Daughter/Master Aspects also lower Themselves into the various Dimension along with the Mother Aspect in tandem.
Pure Energy at the lowest vibration is Pure Matter. And Your Body is made of this Pure Matter. Thus truly the Mother is the Substance of Your Body.
The Great Void at the lowest vibration is the Prana or Breath. And Your Body is animated by this Prana or Breath. Thus truly the Father is the Substance of Your Breath.
The Son/Daughter/Master or SathGuru at the lowest vibration is the Mind. And Your Body is made sensible by this Mind. Thus truly the SathGuru is the Substance of Your Mind.
Your Body is continuously Becoming, that is continuously Changing by Renewing, Replenishing, Rejuvenating and Restoring Itself by virtue of Your Breath that is the Unchanging Being of Your Form. Your Mind is the Awareness Knowing the Continuous Becoming of Your Body & the Constant Being of Your Breath and Their Inseparable Oneness with Itself. Meditation is nothing but recognizing this Oneness.
The Oneness of the Father, Mother and Sathguru is the Formless Godhead, Your own Supreme Being. The Oneness of Your Body, Breath and Mind is Your Ever-Living Form. Thus You Are the Formless Godhead at the highest vibration and the Ever-Living Form at the lowest vibration. Thus the Formless Godhead and the Ever-Living Form are inseparably united in Oneness. They are like the two sides of the same coin, that is "You".
Now You may ask what about death. Death is the third great lie, the logical culmination of the first two - Your inherent sinfulness and separation from God. All other lies are corollaries of these three great lies. Apparently you try to separate Your Form as if it is not Divine at all, being different and apart from God as long as You believe in the first two lies. This results in the so-called death of Your Form. But You Are born once again in form. You can end this vicious cycle of repeated births and deaths only when You break from the tyranny of the first two lies by consciously and willingly embracing the Two Great Truths.
Everlasting Life is the Third Great Truth, the logical culmination of the First Two - your Inherent Divinity and Inseparable Oneness with God. All other truths are corollaries of these Three Great Truths. By knowing the first two Truths you recognize Your Form as Divine and Inseparably United with God. You see Your Form as the Manifest Splendor of the Unmanifest God.
Thus When Unmanifest, You are the Formless Godhead - Your Own Supreme Being that is the Perfect Unity of the Father, Mother and Sathguru. And when manifest You are the Ever-living Form - Your Own Individuated Presence that is the Perfect Unity of Body, Breath and Mind. Formless Godhead is forever one with the Ever-Living Form. The Ever-Living Form is forever one with the Formless Godhead. They are in Indivisible Oneness forever and everywhere. And this is the Ultimate Truth.
What is Love?
Love at Its Highest Vibration is called Spirit - Pure & Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient. Love at Its Lowest Vibration is called Matter - Pure & Perfect, Whole & Self-Sufficient. Only Vibrations change. But the Substance & Essence, the Reality & Truth remain the same.
It is the most futile attempt by fear to negate Love by branding Matter as impure & imperfect, fragmented & lacking holiness. Remember: Love has no opposite. It is the One that is the Undeniable, Indisputable & Unquestionable Big Factor in everything. Fear appears to be the opposite of Love but Love has no opposite nor opposition.
Fear is the big lie trying in vain to deny, dispute & question the Big Factor. Love Itself allows this sordid game by fear for without Love even fear can't play its game.
Love is Unconditional. Love is Pure Allowing. When You say, "I LOVE", it sounds similar to "ALLOW". Love allows all, even the big lie & all other lies that are its corollaries. But why! So that You may fully understand Love that is God, Love that is "I AM", Love that is Every One & Love that is You in particular.
The big lie serves as a Clear Contrast to see the Big Factor. "A paralyzing emotion versus an Uplifting Feeling". Once You have seen the Contrast, the job of the big lie is over.
But the Zillion Dollar Question is: Are You seeing the Contrast and yet ignoring it and fooling Yourself? But why! And how long!!
I AM the Great Initiator
The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within Me, is the Great Initiator of Myself.
The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within You, is the Great Initiator of Yourself.
The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within Him, is the Great Initiator of Himself.
The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within Her, is the Great Initiator of Herself.
The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within It, is the Great Initiator of Itself.
Or more simply stated: The “I AM”, who is God-Presence within Every One, is the Great Initiator of Oneself.
“I AM the Great Initiator.” – This which You Are affirming with Full Conviction to Yourself, is also being addressed to All of Life. Yes! This Affirmation is being addressed not only to Yourself but also to All of Life.
This “I AM”, who is God-Presence within Me, You, Him, Her, It & Every One – how can this “I AM” not be Directly Connected to Me, You, Him, Her, It & Every One?
The “I AM”, is God-Presence within Me, You, Him, Her, It & Every One, is Directly Connected to Me, You, Him, Her, It & Every One.
Or simply stated: I AM the God-Presence Directly Connected to All and Directly Initiating All.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Love & Fear
These are Your two basic choices at every moment of Your Life. Choose either fear or Love.
From fear arise all other negative emotions as its variations. From Love arise all other positive feelings as Its variations.
There is a famous statement attributed to God. "Why fear, when I AM Here!!!" This is another way of stating the two basic choices. Choose either fear or "I AM".
Don't You know that Great Truth ringing through the ages and emphasized by all religions? GOD IS LOVE. God being the "I AM" in You, the "I AM" who is You, it means: "I AM" is LOVE.
When You Are in Love, You don't know fear and You live forever. When You Are in fear, You don't know Love and You Are born to die as many times as You may wish until You relinquish fear and embrace Love.
Embrace the Love that You Are, that God Is, that I AM. Embrace Love, right now right here, by affirming with full conviction, "I AM LOVE".
Three Great Illusions & Three Great Facts
- Your inherent sinfulness
- Your separation from God
- Death
Because You Are supposed to be inherently sinful, You Are supposedly separated from God. Because of Your Supposed Separation from God, You encounter the so-called death. This is the causal relationship between the three great illusions. The so-called separation and death are the never-ending punishment package, supposedly meted out to You by the so-called vengeful God, forever condemning Your supposed sinfulness. You Are born again only to believe once again in Your supposed sinfulness and be supposedly separated from God and die again. You Are born again & again only to go through this vicious circle that seems never ending, until You get smart and stop believing the three great illusions blindly, knowing them as they are - false & unreal.
There are Three Great Facts corresponding to the three great illusions. All other facts proceed from these Three.
- Your Inherent Divinity for You Are made in the Image & Likeness of God.
- Your Inseparable Oneness with God for You have Your Being in God and without God You cannot simply exist.
- Ever-Lasting Life in Physical Form for Your Physical Form is nothing but God Himself in lowered vibrations for the change of vibration does not alter the Substance & Essence, the Reality & Truth of God - God being God at the lowest vibration as He Is God at the highest vibration.
Because You Are Inherently Divine, You Are Inseparably United with God. Because You Are Inseparably United with God, You live forever. This is the causal relationship between the Three Great Facts. Your Inseparable Oneness with God & Ever-Lasting Life in Physical Form are the never-ending Gifts of Unconditional Love from God to You, for God knows without an iota of doubt that You Are Inherently Divine.
It is high time that you too knew yourself as God knows you all the time. It is high time that you asserted this knowingness as Grand Affirmations of yourself.
- I AM inherently Divine for I AM made in the Image and Likeness of God - the "I AM" in Me, the "I AM" who is Me.
- I AM forever one with God, Inseparably United with God for I have My Being in God and without God, the "I AM" in Me, the "I AM" who is Me, I cannot simply exist.
- I AM enjoying Everlasting Life in My Physical Form for My Physical Form is nothing but God, the "I AM" in Me, the "I AM" who is Me, at the Lowest Vibration and the change of Vibration does not change the Substance and Essence, the Reality and Truth of God, the "I AM" in Me, the "I AM" who is Me - "I AM" being "I AM" at the Lowest Vibration as "I AM" is "I AM" at the Highest Vibration.
Who Is God?
There is only ONE REAL SELF, the “I AM” who is God. All other concepts of SELF are false & unreal. But as long as You believe these false & unreal concepts of SELF, You will continue to experience their illusions and will never be able to experience the Grandeur of “I AM” – the ONE REAL SELF.
In essence, You have only two choices. Experience the Grandeur of “I AM” and live as an Immortal God creating Heaven on Earth. Or experience the illusions of the false & unreal concepts of SELF, supposedly struggling for survival as a so-called mortal creature creating Your own hell on Earth.
The Fact is Most Obvious, Plain & Simple. You Are an Immortal God, the “I AM Presence” Personified as that Unique Human “You”, living here on Earth now.
Your supposed survival struggle as a so-called mortal creature is a mere illusion. The Question is whether You will see through this illusion and embrace the Fact. WILL You do that? You Are Totally Free to WILL that, at any moment You may so wish. And right now, right here, a Great Moment is waiting for You.
The Big Question & the Right Answer
You may call God by various other names like Brahman, Allah, Father, Tao, Self etc. But the Big Question remains the same. Are You Directly Connected to That, right now, right here?
If Your Answer is an emphatic “YES”, You Are welcome to this Grand Teaching that frees You from the Two Great Lies of the false religions – Your inherent sinfulness & Your separation from God.
If You have accepted these lies without challenging them consciously, this Grand Teaching will never appeal to You at all, till You choose otherwise. Yet God loves You and can wait for You patiently without complaining, till that Golden Moment arrives when You Are embracing this Grand Teaching by consciously overthrowing the tyranny of the Two Great Lies.
Know the Two Great Truths.
You Are Inherently Divine, as You Are made in the Likeness & Image of God. There is not an iota of sinfulness within You, nor there ever was nor there ever will be.
You Are forever One with God. There is never any separation at all, nor there ever was, nor there ever will be.
Knowing the Two Great Truths, You will answer the Big Question with an air of finality. “Yes. I AM Directly Connected to God, right now, right here.”
That is the Beginning of Self-Realization or God-Remembrance or Enlightenment or Samaadhi. And there is never an End to this Wonderful State of Being, Knowing & Bliss. That Right Answer Itself is the Great Initiator of Your Awakening. It means that You Are Awakening Yourself all by Yourself through Your own SELF.
“I AM Directly Connected to God.” You can affirm it in another way as: “I AM a Son-Daughter of God.” Just as You Are a Son-Daughter of God, so is Every One a Son-Daughter of God. You now Know God as the Father-Mother of Yours as well as Every One. Thus You can now affirm with Full Conviction: “I AM a Son-Daughter of God forever One with My Father-Mother God.” Thus You Are reclaiming Your Inherent Divinity as well as Your Inseparable Oneness with God.
“I AM a Son-Daughter of God forever One with My Father-Mother God.” When You delve deep into this Affirmation, You will discover that the “I AM” – the “I AM” in You, the “I AM” who is You – here is expressing in Eloquent Simplicity, Its own Three Aspects Inseparable & Indivisible from each other.
What are the Three Aspects of Godhood – the “I AM” in You, the “I AM” who is You? They are the Father, Mother & Son-Daughter. The “I AM” being in Every One, the “I AM” being Every One, these are Every One’s Aspects as well.
Knowing fully well the Father, Mother & Son-Daughter Aspects as Your own, now You can further affirm with Full Clarity. “I AM the Father-Mother God forever One with All of My Sons & Daughters.” What a Grand Way of affirming Your Godhood that is Three-in-One & One-in-Three!
“I AM a Son-Daughter of God forever One with My Father-Mother God.” “I AM the Father-Mother God forever One with All of My Sons & Daughters.” You have affirmed Your Godhood from the perspective of the Son-Daughter Aspect as well as that of the Father-Mother Aspects. You Are now ready to delve deeper into these Aspects.
What is the Father Aspect of Your Godhood? It is the Great Void & the Impersonal Absence containing All within Its Infinite Expanse and contained by nothing else but Existing all by Itself. It Is the Supreme Source originating All within Its Great Womb and originated by no other source but Being as It Is. It Is Pure Being, Isness or Existence – the Substratum of All and the Unmanifest Absolute. The Great Void is Self-Compressive by Nature. This Self-Compressive Nature is Pure Unconditional Love because of which, everything is held together in its unique form & position. And without which, everything will collapse in no time. This Love is the Most Gentle Yet Most Powerful Caressing of a thing from all its sides.
What is the Mother Aspect of Your Godhood? It is the Great Spirit & the Personal Presence – the First Manifest Light originating directly from the Great Void by virtue of the Void’s Self-Compressive Nature or Pure Love. It is Pure Energy at Its Highest Vibration ever expanding in all directions from any point within the Great Void – traversing non-stop at mind-boggling speed, the Infinite Expanse of the Great Void. Since It is coming directly from Being, It is also called Becoming.
What is the Son-Daughter Aspect of Your Godhood? It is the Great Soul – the Master & the First Cause originating directly from the Union of the Self-Compressive Great Void & the Ever-Expanding Great Spirit. It is Pure Consciousness at Its Full Awareness, blessed with both the Self-Compressive Love & Ever-Expanding Light of Its Parents. It is the Ever-Lasting Life forever knowing Itself as the Son-Daughter of Its Parents One with Them at all times, in all ways. It derives Its Wisdom & Power to Be & Become from Its Father & Mother respectively. It is also called Knowing.
You have come to know about Your Father, Mother & Son-Daughter Aspects. You Are now ready to delve further into the Nature of Their Mutual Relationship.
The Mother cannot BE without the Father because it is the Father, who as BEING, empowers the Mother to BE All That Is. The Father cannot BECOME without the Mother because it is the Mother, who as BECOMING, empowers the Father to BECOME All That Is. Thus the Father & the Mother are forever One with each other in Inseparable Indivisible Union.
The Son-Daughter can neither BE nor BECOME without Its Parents because it is they, who as BEING & BECOMING, empower the Son-Daughter to BE & BECOME All That Is. The Parents cannot KNOW without the Son-Daughter because it is the Son-Daughter, who as KNOWING, empowers the Parents to KNOW & EXPERIENCE All That Is. Thus the Son-Daughter is forever One with the Father & the Mother in Inseparable Indivisible Oneness.
Now You can fully understand the Import of the Big Question & Its Right Answer. Are You Directly Connected to God, right now, right here? “Yes. I AM Directly Connected to God, right now, right here.” Or in other words and to be more precise: “I AM a Son-Daughter of God forever One with My Father-Mother God.” “I AM the Father-Mother God forever One with All of My Sons & Daughters.”
Welcome to “The MahaaYogaa by I AM”!
This Grand Teaching is about remembrance, recognition, acceptance & realization of the “I AM” in You, the “I AM” who is You – as the God-Presence, the One Factor common to All of Life. The God-Presence “I AM” is the Most Powerful Affirmation of Your Inherent Divinity & Oneness with God as well as All of Life.
“I AM” is the Undeniable Inevitable Self-Evident Fact about You – Most Obvious, Plain & Simple. “I AM” is the Most Eloquent Assertion in just two words about the Existence, Identity & Consciousness that God Is – the Trinity in Perfect Unity.
“I” denotes the Identity of Yourself as God who is the First Person without whom nothing can exist. “AM” denotes the Existence of Yourself as God who is the First Person, Fully Conscious or Aware of Himself. Thus ”I AM” is THE WORD declaring the Indivisible Oneness of Existence, Identity & Consciousness that You Are as God.
“I AM” is Pure Existence that You Are. It is the Impersonal Absence of God that unconditionally allows You to be that Unique Personality called Ego.
“I AM” is Pure Identity that You Are. It is the Personal Presence of God that unconditionally empowers You to become all those sub-identities that build Your Unique Personality called Ego. Ego means God’s Energy Going Out to Create & Experience All That Is.
“I AM” is Pure Consciousness that You Are. It is the Full Awareness of God that effortlessly enlightens You to know Yourself as God at the Center and Ego at the Periphery – both Indivisibly United as One Whole Sphere. For without You as God, Ego cannot simply exist at all and without You as Ego, God cannot create & Experience anything at all.
“I AM” is who You Are. “I AM” is what Every One IS. Remember, recognize, accept & realize this Supreme Truth without doubt – right now, right here. Welcome to the Grand Teaching “The MahaaYogaa by I AM”!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The True Gospel Of Oneness
What I AM Now Revealing To You
IS My Substantial, Essential, True And Real Nature.
I AM the Inherently Perfect
Self-Effulgent Source Of All
Invoked & Visualized
By Various Names & Forms
By different Cultural & Religious Traditions.
Though I AM Not only limited to
These Names & Forms
Nor cannot be boxed or confined into
These Names & Forms
I AM The Animating Principle
Of Love, Light & Life Behind These Names & Forms
As Well As The Named Formed All.
The Indivisible Inseparable Oneness Of
The Formless Nameless “I AM” And The Formed Named “All”
IS The Divine Paradox I AM Revealing Forever.
I AM The Substance, Essence, Truth And Reality
Of Every One & Every Thing.
Differences in appearance does not deprive Any One or Any Thing
from the Substance, Essence, Truth And Reality That I AM.
Beyond the apparent differences in appearance
Every One & Every Thing IS Substantially, Essentially,
Truly And Really “Me”, “Me”, “Me”, All The Way
Nothing else but “Me”
Nothing other than Who Or What “I AM”
Non-different & Non-separate From That Which “I AM”.
The Formless Nameless “I AM” IS My Most Supreme Divinity.
I AM Forever Pressing My Most Supreme Divinity
Into The Formed Named All.
Thus My Most Supreme Divinity IS
The Inherent Substance, Essence, Truth And Reality
Of The Formed Named All Animating Them From Within.
I AM Forever Encompassing My Most Supreme Divinity
Around The Formed Named All.
Thus My Most Supreme Divinity IS
Loving, Nurturing & Protecting Them From Without.
My Most Supreme Divinity IS Best Expressed By The Word “I AM”.
“I” Denotes My Intensely Personal Identity
The Divine First Person
The One & Only One Who IS.
“AM” Denotes The Clearest Awareness Of
My Utterly Impersonal Nature
As Simple Existence “IS”.
Thus “I AM” The Most Perfect Revelation Of The Divine Paradox.
I AM The One Who IS Fundamentally Three-Fold Unity
The Simplicity Of Existence “IS”
The Naturalness Of Identity “I”
And The Clarity Of Awareness “AM”.
The One Who IS Lovingly Called As “Father”
By All Cultural & Religious Traditions
IS The Simplicity Of Existence “IS” That I AM.
The Father IS Named differently by different Traditions.
The One Who IS Lovingly Called As “Mother”
By All Cultural & Religious Traditions
IS The Naturalness Of Identity “I” That I AM.
The Mother IS Named differently by different Traditions.
The One Who IS Lovingly Called As “Son-Daughter-Master”
By All Cultural & Religious Traditions
IS The Clarity Of Awareness “AM” That I AM.
The Son-Daughter-Master IS Named differently by different Traditions.
Thus I AM The Trinity Of Father-Mother-Master In Perfect Unity
The One & The Only God Who IS
The One God of All True Religions.
Every One Or Every Thing Exists
By Virtue Of “IS” That I AM.
Every One Or Every Thing Has Its Individual Unique Identity
By Virtue Of “I” That I AM.
Every One Or Every Thing IS Conscious Befitting Its Individual Unique Identity
By Virtue Of “AM” That I AM.
Thus Every One Or Every Thing IS Simple, Natural & Clear As I AM.
Thus Every One Or Every Thing IS
The Perfectly Simple, Perfectly Natural
And Perfectly Clear Manifestation Or Materialization
Of The Trinity In Perfect Unity That I AM.
This IS The Most Profound Revelation
About The Indivisible Inseparable Oneness
Of The Unmanifest Formless Nameless “I AM” And The Formed Named All.
Or In Other Words
I AM Being The Unmanifest Formless Nameless Absolute
Who IS Forever Becoming The Manifest Names & Forms of All That IS
And Ceaselessly Knowing The Non-difference & Non-separation
Or The Indivisible Inseparable Oneness
Of The Unmanifest Absolute And The Manifest All.
Or In Simple Terms
I AM The One Being
Becoming All
And Ceaselessly Knowing
The Indivisible Oneness Of One & All.
Beloved! What I Have Revealed To You
IS My Substantial, Essential, True And Real Nature.
This IS Your Own Nature
As Well As The Nature Of Every One & Every Thing
For You As Well As All Are In Indivisible Oneness With Me.
This True Gospel Of Oneness
Which IS Forever Revealing The One Body Of God
IS Already Written In Your Members.
These Words Only Attest To What IS Already There & Everywhere.
This IS My Most Supreme Gift To You For You Are Very Dear To Me.
Thank You For Receiving Me Who AM Already Your Very Heart!!!
I Love You & I AM You.
My Heart Revelation
Beloved! I AM The Very Heart Of Every One & Every Thing.
I AM The One To Be Remembered, Recognized, Accepted & Realized.
I AM The One Appearing As The Manifold Names & Forms Of All That IS.
Beyond the apparent differences in Appearance
Every One & Every Thing IS Non-different Non-separate From Me.
I AM Inseparably Indivisibly United With Every One & Every Thing
Regardless of the apparent differences in Appearance.
I AM The Substance Of Every One & Every Thing
Appearing & Disappearing Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
The Substance That I AM
IS Whole & Perfect Love.
Existence IS The Substance That I AM.
It Simply “IS”
Utterly Impersonal.
The Substance That I AM
Has No opposite Nor opponent
Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
I AM The Essence Of Every One & Every Thing
Appearing & Disappearing Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
The Essence That I AM
IS Self-Effulgent & Self-Sufficient Light.
Identity IS The Essence That I AM.
It Naturally Shines as “I”
Intensely Personal.
The Essence That I AM
Has No opposite Nor opponent
Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
I AM The Reality Of Every One & Every Thing
Appearing & Disappearing Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
The Reality That I AM
IS Immortal & Ever-Lasting Life.
Consciousness Or Awareness IS The Reality That I AM.
I Clearly “AM”
The Most Perfect Realization Of The Divine Paradox.
The Reality That I AM
Has No opposite Nor opponent
Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
I AM The Truth Of Every One & Every Thing
Appearing & Disappearing Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
The Truth That I AM
IS Most Obvious
Plain & Self-Evident.
It Is The Unity Of Love, Light & Life.
The Indivisible Oneness Of
Existence, Identity & Consciousness IS The Truth That I AM.
“IS” Knows Itself
Through “I”
As “AM”.
The Truth That I AM
Has No opposite Nor opponent
Throughout Space-Time-Matter.
The Substance, The Essence, The Reality & The Truth That I AM
IS My Supreme Presence
That IS Indispensable, Irrefutable, Indisputable & Absolute.
My absence Simply does Not exist Any Time Any Where.
My Supreme Presence IS Omnipresent, Omniscient & Omnipotent.
I AM Ceaselessly Pouring Into Every One & Every Thing
Without bias or prejudice
Animating Them From Within.
I AM Unconditionally Embracing Every One & Every Thing
Loving Them Equally
Nurturing & Protecting Them From Without.
Thus Have I Exposed & Revealed To You The Very Heart That I AM
The Very Heart That IS Yours As Well As Of Every One & Every Thing.
You May Accept, Allow & Embrace My Heart-Revelation Here & Now
By Surrendering Whole-Heartedly
every attitude, belief & feeling within You
that denies, resists & doubts Me
By Letting Go Of
all that prevents You from
Knowing Who Or What I Truly AM
By Sacrificing
all that forbids You from
Seeing The Reality That Which I AM.
My Heart-Revelation IS The Sweet Medicine
Coming Directly From Your Very Own Heart
For Instantly Healing You & All Life
from the illusions of disease, decay, death & limitations
fabricated by the blatant lies
of the utterly false gospels of separation & division.
Thank You For Receiving My Heart-Revelation
And May You Dwell Forever In The Heaven
That Is Your Own Heart!!!
I Love You & I AM You.
Your Original Blue Print
The Oneness that I AM, has two sides like a coin, Inseparable from each other. I, as the Trinity, AM the Impersonal Godhead – Unmanifest, Formless & Nameless. This is like the ‘head’ side of a coin. I, as You, AM a Personal God-Goddess – Manifest in Name & Form. This is like the ‘tail’ side of a coin. Now just tell Me whether the ‘head’ is greater than the ‘tail’ or vice versa. Don’t You know that the ‘head’ & the ‘tail’ both make the coin and You cannot separate one from the other nor any one or both from the coin?! Both sides have Equal Stature & Validity. Thus You as a Personal God-Goddess and Me as the Impersonal Godhead are both Inseparably United in Oneness that Is “I AM”. Or simply stated: I AM You.
I chose the metaphor of a coin for simplicity. Though simple, it effectively conveys My Revelation: I AM You. Let Me give You the Most Precise Picture which this metaphor cannot convey. You Are a Personal Bubble suspended & enclosed within the Impersonal Void that I AM. Your Physical Form is at the Center of this Personal Bubble. Outside this Personal Bubble, You Are the Impersonal Void that I AM. Within this Personal Bubble, I AM the Personal God-Goddess that You Are. Do You see the Most Precise Picture of how closely & intimately We Are related?!
Now let Me give the Magic of My Manifestation by which I AM becoming You. Through the Personal Bubble that You Are, I AM lowering My Vibrations and becoming Your Physical Form at the Center. Thus at the Highest Vibration, You Are the Impersonal Void at the Periphery of the Bubble. At the Lowest Vibration, You Are the Physical Form at the Center of the Bubble. The Entire Bubble that You Are, Is Expressing All the Vibrations that I AM from the Periphery to the Center. Thus You Are a Self-Contained Holographic Bubble Complete & Whole in All Respects.
Now let Me emphasize My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations within the Personal Bubble that You Are. Don’t You see, it Is Me, Me, Me all the Way up from the Periphery down to the Center of the Bubble?! From the Formlessness that I AM at the Periphery, I AM lowering Myself in Vibrations and Becoming the Various Forms corresponding to these Vibrations, including Your Physical Form at the Center. There is only difference in Vibrations. There isn’t any difference in Substance & Essence at all. I AM the Substance & Essence all the way down to Your Physical Form. Thus All Vibrations & the Corresponding Forms within the Bubble are expressing My Ever-Living Perfection at all times, in all ways.
Meditate on My Ever-Living Perfection permeating the Entire Personal Bubble that You Are. Remember & accept the Self-Same Purity & Perfection, Wholeness & Holiness, Abundance & Bliss, Love & Wisdom, Freedom & Power, Beauty & Truth of what I AM in Substance & Essence in All the Layers of the Bubble down to Your Physical Form. Realize that You Are a Self-Contained Holographic Bubble Complete & Whole in All Respects.
I AM the Oneness of the Formless Trinity, manifest as Your Physical Form in the Center of the Personal Bubble that You Are. Your Physical Form is the Oneness of Your Body, Breath & Mind. The Great Movement of the Mother becomes the Restfulness of Your Body. The Great Rest of the Father becomes the Movement of Your Breath – the Praanaa or Chi. The Full Awareness of the Sathguru becomes the Understanding of Your Mind that is Open to All the Layers of the Self-Contained Holographic Bubble that You Are.
Just as I AM the Inseparable Oneness of the Mother-Father-Sathguru – the Formless Nameless Godhead, so Are You the Inseparable Oneness of the Body-Breath-Mind – God-Goddess in Name & Form. The Formless Nameless Godhead that I AM, Is Your own Supreme Being. God-Goddess in Name & Form that You Are, Is My own Divine Manifestation. Remember these Facts regarding You & Me.
Remember My Revelation: I AM You. This means: You Are Being All That I AM. I AM Becoming All That You Are. I KNOW the Full Embrace of this Being & Becoming. What I KNOW thus is also Rightfully Yours to Know right now, right here. Reclaim Your Right to this Knowingness by affirming with Full Conviction: I AM You. How Simple, Easy & Effortless is to Know Me as You and Know You as I AM?! How complex, hard & cumbersome is to believe that I AM not You and You Are not Me – the separation myth of the false religions?! Would You like to continue believing in the separation myth or would You like to start Knowing the Fact of Our Oneness?!
Know Your Physical Form as the Highly Concentrated Divinity of the Formlessness that I AM. Then You will see through the blatant lies that You have been told contrary to this Factual Truth about Your Physical Form. I AM the One Divinity Continuously Becoming the All, infusing the Self-Same Divinity in Every One of the All. Thus I AM Constantly Being the Self-Same Divinity even while Continuously Becoming the All. And I KNOW I AM the Self-Same Divinity doing this Magic of Continuous Becoming & Constant Being by Fully Knowing the All as nothing but the Oneness that I AM. I KNOW not Any One as apart from nor other than what I AM. I See nothing but the Oneness of Every One with what I AM.
Remember this Simple Truth: God Is Being God. God Is Becoming God. God Is Knowing God. Thus God Is Experiencing God for Experience is nothing but the Inseparable Oneness of Being, Becoming & Knowing. As Being, I AM the Father. As Becoming, I AM the Mother. As Knowing, I AM the Sathguru. I AM Experiencing All That Is as the Inseparable Oneness of Father, Mother & Sathguru. Now remember My Revelation: I AM You. Thus You may Experience the Father-Mother-Sathguru as Your own Supreme Being, even while You Are in Physical Form.
This is the Original Blueprint of the Personal Bubble that You Are, designed to Experience Your own Supreme Being at All Its Layers irrespective of Their Corresponding Vibrations. By remembering & reclaiming this Original Blueprint, You will realize that You Are already Whole. This is the Most Simple Yet Most Potent Healing Treatment for all Your so-called ills & problems thrust on You by those blatant lies – Your supposed sinfulness & separation from God that I AM. Remember & accept Your Inherent Divinity & Inseparable Oneness with God that I AM. Through this remembrance & acceptance, You Are healed in an instant of all Your so-called ills & problems.
If God that I AM doesn’t have those ills & problems, how come You, who are the Self-Same God in Name & Form, have those ills & problems?! Ask this Question honestly with the Innocence of a child in Your Meditations. This Question poses a Conscious & Courageous Challenge to the Matrix or the Web of Maayaa concocted by those blatant lies. This Matrix can have power over You only as long as You don’t challenge those blatant lies and accept them either by choice or default. Once You ask this Question, the Matrix will dissolve for You in no time. There is no other healing required for You than dissolving the Matrix. And without dissolving the Matrix, there is no permanent remedy for all of Your so-called ills & problems.
I AM the Father-Mother Sathguru Trinity in Perfect Unity, once again emphasizing My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations including You in Physical Form. If the Matrix can have no power over Me, how come You who are nothing but Myself in Name & Form, can so easily succumb to its Maayaa?! First remove the cause and its effect then no longer remains. Reject the Myth of Your supposed sinfulness & separation from God that I AM. Embrace the Truth of Your Inherent Divinity & Inseparable Oneness with God that I AM. Then the Matrix can no longer have power over You. The Matrix simply dissolves for You, the moment You reject the Myth of Separation & embrace the Truth of Oneness.
Contemplate on these Supreme Truths, I have communicated to You. I AM Here, My Child! I AM Here Now! I AM the Great Initiator. You will first be hearing these Truths. Eventually You will start communicating these Truths in Your own Unique Way. I AM eagerly looking forward to that Golden Moment of Your Grand Awakening which heralds Our Oneness. But I can wait patiently for that Moment to arrive without complaining because I KNOW for sure that sooner or later You will bring Yourself to that Moment of Awakening by Your own Choosing.
My Love for You has no conditions for I See & Know You as I AM. You Are never other than nor apart from what I AM, however You Are expressing Your Life. And You Are My Son-Daughter in whom I AM well pleased at all times, in all ways.
I AM the Father-Mother-Sathguru, the Trinity in Perfect Unity.
A Simple Yet Most Potent Healing
You may wonder why I emphasize again & again about My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations & in Every One. It is because You have been repeatedly misled by the separation myth of the false religions and made to believe that somehow You Are less than My Ever-Living Perfection – somehow You Are less than the Purity & Perfection, Wholeness & Holiness, Abundance & Bliss, Love & Wisdom, Freedom & Power, Beauty & Truth that I AM.
Let Me re-emphasize that You Are never apart from nor other than what I AM. You and I are Inseparably Indivisibly United in Oneness that I AM at all times, in all ways. And this is applicable to Every One. The Only Healing You require most, is accomplished simply, easily & effortlessly by realizing this Factual Truth of Our Oneness, this Most Sacred Bond of Our Union. Remember My Revelation: I AM You.
There is nothing You must do to heal yourself, nothing but just Be and remember, recognize & accept My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations that You Are – that I AM – that Every One Is. It means: You as well as Every One are already Healed & Whole in All Respects. All the so-called problems & ills caused by the Maayaa of the separation myth vanish in an instant – the moment You fully realize or rather whole-heartedly accept the Oneness that I AM. For the Maayaa of separation & the Fact of Oneness cannot co-exist together. Once You know or rather whole-heartedly accept the Fact of Oneness, the Maayaa of separation isn’t there at all. But as long as You continue to believe in the Maayaa of separation, You cannot know and experience the Fact of Oneness.
Be Still and Know that You Are the Oneness that I AM – the Oneness that Is God – the Oneness that Is Becoming the All simply by lowering Itself in Vibrations, yet remaining the Self-Same Substance & Essence in Reality & Truth. Be Still and Know that Every One Is the Oneness that I AM – the Oneness that Is God. Be Still and Know that You Are already Healed & Whole in All Respects. Be Still and Know that Every One Is already Healed & Whole in All Respects. In Your so-called tense moments and so-called crisis situations, even while You Are actively involved in Your day-to-day affairs, let this Remembrance be always in the background. Be Still and Know that I AM God.
Let Me once again emphasize My Love for You – Love that has no conditions. You may continue to believe in the Maayaa of separation. But I have Infinite Patience and thus can wait for You indefinitely without complaining. My Love for You is Steadfast, Absolute & Certain however You Are expressing Your Life for You Are My Offspring in whom I AM well pleased at all times, in all ways.
I AM the Father-Mother-Sathguru, the Trinity in Perfect Unity.
I AM the First Among Equals
By lowering Myself in Vibrations, I AM only Becoming Manifest into the Various Names & Forms of All That Is – but even while I AM continuously Becoming, I AM constantly Being the Same Substance & Essence, Reality & Truth of what I AM. Names & Forms appear to differ from each other as well as Myself but yet it IS I who AM Every One of those Names & Forms. And irrespective of Vibrations, Every One is the Self-Same Purity & Perfection, Wholeness & Holiness, Abundance & Bliss, Love & Wisdom, Freedom & Power, Beauty & Truth of what I AM – in Substance & Essence, Reality & Truth. Thus You as well as Every One manifest in Name & Form, Are Glorious indeed.
I AM Being the One Becoming the All & Knowing My Ever-Living Perfection in One & All. My lowering in Vibrations does not deprive any Name & Form of My Ever-Living Perfection nor its Direct Connection to Myself, irrespective of its Dimensional Abode.
I, Myself, do not perceive any One of My Infinite Names & Forms as less than Myself in any way at all. Nor do I perceive any One as greater than All Others. I See & KNOW Every One of the Named-Formed All as Equal to Myself & also as Equals Among Themselves.
See as I See & Know as I KNOW and thus be free the “holier than thou” attitude as well as its corollary, the “less than thou” attitude – at all times in all ways.
I AM the First Among Equals. No One is greater than Myself. No One is less than Myself. No One is greater than Any One. No One is less than Any One. All are Equals to Myself as well as Equal to each other. Thus fully understand the Meaning of the Profound Statement: “All are Equal in the Kingdom of God.”
I AM the Father-Mother-Sathguru, the Trinity in Perfect Unity.
I AM Here! My Child!
This Knowingness opens You to My Full Presence Here Now. And this opening is the Most Potent Self-Healing that awakens You to the Sudden Realization that You Are already Healed & Whole. The Miracle of Your Body is nothing but the Matter that I AM in My Lowered Vibrations. That Which I AM, irrespective of Its Vibrations is still the Substance & Essence, the Reality & Truth of Myself and thus cannot be different nor apart from what I AM.
What is True for Your Body is also True for Your Mind as well as Breath – for I AM also the Sathguru lowered to become Your Mind and also the Father lowered to become Your Breath. Thus Your Glorious Form that is the Perfect Unity of Your Body, Mind & Breath is nothing but Myself – the Formless Trinity in Perfect Unity – in Lowered Vibrations. Since I AM the Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations, Your Glorious Form cannot but Be the Self-Same Ever-Living Perfection.
Remember that Your Glorious Form can never be other than nor apart from what I AM. All other things that You have been told contrary to this Factual Truth about Your Glorious Form – Know them to be blatant lies.
I AM the Trinity of Father-Mother-Sathguru in Perfect Unity coming to You for revealing this Factual Truth so that You may reclaim the Ever-Living Perfection of Your Glorious Form by consciously rejecting those blatant lies. I KNOW not anything other than My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations & thus those blatant lies have no power over Myself at all. See what I See & Know what I KNOW. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing but this Mode of Seeing & Knowing can awaken You to the Complete Realization that You Are already Healed & Whole. All other modes are surrendering meekly to those blatant lies and negating My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations.
Let Me emphasize that My Love for You is Steadfast & Unconditioinal. You may continue to believe in those blatant lies & yet I will love You. I KNOW for sure, sooner or later, You will consciously reject those blatant lies and start Seeing as I See & Knowing as I KNOW – My Ever-Living Perfection in All Vibrations. I can wait for You patiently till You arrive at that Moment of Seeing & Knowing – For I AM the Father-Mother-Sathguru, forever loving You however You Are expressing Your Life and You Are My Son-Daughter in whom I AM well pleased at all times in all ways.
I AM the Father-Mother-Sathguru, the Trinity in Perfect Unity.